Leaving the nest…


It’s been forever since I’ve made a YAA post, however, I thought I’d take some time and write an opinion blog about something that is quite near and dear to my person right now. For most Grade 12s this year, September will mark a change, a change from the dreary monotony of high school. For most Grade 12s, September will mark a new school, new faces, new friends, new haunting grounds…

It was a weird thing to reflect on at the Sir Winston Churchill High School grad (May 31). The thought that in about 15 days, the 681 other graduates will be dispersing around the world;  a few to the US, some to England, a scattering to Hong Kong. For many, May 31 would be the last time that they would meet. Personally, I have friends going to Scotland, the US and China for their post-secondary education. I know that in a few years, we’ll all change to a degree that we would almost be unrecognizable.

Now I know plenty of you are rolling your eyes and probably scrolling to the next story, but I need to make a quick point. Leaving your old life at high school is SCARY – especially if you are moving to a different province for your future education/work. It isn’t until you have decided on a university/college/tradeschool and thought about what you needed to do that you realize life is actually pretty brutal. The thought of having to pay big money for your education (~20k/year in tuition/residence fees+ancillary costs), the thought of having to look for roommates, COOK, clean, live without a car… it’s pretty overwhelming.

Finally, I’ve come to realize that the distinction between universities is really quite small. There is no “best” university, there is no “top” university (okay… maybe Harvard :P) but especially for your undergraduate studies, the university does not make that big of a difference. It all comes down to where YOU want to be, and where YOU think you will find success. If you are thinking of going to a college or trade school, that’s cool too. Many degrees offered by institutions like SAIT, ACAD etc. have better job opportunities than university degrees.

So I know many of you will dismiss this as the mad ramblings of an 18 year old kid (and it really is), but please, remember that every person chooses their own path in life. So sit down, talk with your parents, talk with your councilors and think about the future. The sooner you do so, the easier the eventual decision will be.