Why you should leave your phone at home


In a time where the phone is your greatest obsession, you may be wondering what could possibly be the reasons to leave your phone at home. We grab our phone before we go out like it’s an involuntary response, just like grabbing our keys, wallet, or purse. Yet there is a reason behind why you should sometimes decide to leave your phone at home. Here is a list of some of the sound reasons behind making this hard, but hopefully rewarding decision.


If there is no other reason behind leaving your phone at home, leaving it for good manners would be the best! I always wonder why people make social arrangements with people if they are going to spend the whole time talking to their other “friends.” This completely beats the purpose, and makes you look like a bad person. If so one is taking the time out of their day to hangout with you, don’t show up, and make it seem like you aren’t even there. Even couples go on dates now days and don’t talk. It looks absurd. In addition, when you go to a movie, it’s good to know you won’t be pulling your phone out while watching the movie. Thus you will have good manners.


If you feel that you don’t really need the phone to be with you, then why take it? It becomes one less thing to worry about, and you might gain more experience in an event etc. by not having your phone with you, you won’t be interrupted by business calls, and texts. Before a cellphone became a “must,” we used to manage perfectly well too!


We become so emotionally connected to our phone that we don’t give ourselves time to switch off. That is something that is a must. When you switch off by leave your phone at home it keeps you from remembering all the demands that people have on you. If you go out to the lake or beach, your state of serenity can easily break when you get a call from someone regarding work, etc. These messages can be put off until later.


Believe it or not, phones are valuable things. Since most phones are smartphones it makes it more attractive to people who want to do phone thefts. Smart phones are worth quite a bit of money, so by leaving it at home you reduce your risk of it getting taken. For example, if you go to a party, try to have a backup phone that is no use besides calling in case of an emergency. This way you are safe and so is your phone. In addition, by having one of those 1900s phones it will reduce your urge to pull it out. Thus still abiding by that whole leave your phone at home rule.


This may be in regards to that new app, or even taking selfies all day long. There has actually been a selfie addiction with many people around the world. If you open up your phone now I bet you have taken copious amounts of selfies. Selfies are convenient because you can take a picture wherever you want, whenever you want without having to ask others. However, it can get out of hand. If you find yourself hooked to your phone, or it’s difficult to resist looking at it, it is time to cut it out.

Phones are a useful tool. However, they should never take control of you. You control your phone, so don’t let it control you. We have become independent on phones. Thus we should try our best to have direct conversations with friends whenever we can. And talking through text with no face to face contact can actually make you acquire mental illness overtime. In addition, staring at a screen all day is detrimental to our eyes.