Leave a Mark: A Poem


Leave a Mark


Ticktock ticktock ticktock

A sidewalk awaited for a scratch to be made in the concrete

Powdered polished snow sat on the trails expecting footprints to be made for others to follow

The wind of others whispered to others to follow their lead


Ticktock ticktock Ticktock

Bricks were added to the wall as the wall soon became a building within the arms of the clock

With open arms, I hugged opportunity like it was the asset to add to destiny

Some days rain drops interrupted the clock’s arms, but puddles were still splashed as the crowd followed


Ticktock ticktock ticktock

A lock of thoughts blocked the opening for there was only one key made from the marks on the pages

While our actions froze, the time didn’t

Was it too late to plant new trees for others to follow, or would this be pushed back like a person shoving books back into the shelf? 


Ticktock ticktock ticktock

Your last dreams clung to my mind like a child not wanting to leave their mother

Ambitious aspirations began to enter the world for there was always a pen mark to be made on paper

Though the clock’s intimidation continued as we had to get started to get ahead of the people lined up to make their mark on the sidewalk


Inspiration for this poem:

This poem is about how people leave a mark in the world and how we should not be afraid to take on new opportunities. This is because when we do not do the things we really want to do, there is a strange feeling of regret. This poem is trying to say that we should not wait to do them when going for new opportunities but instead start now. I hope this helps people accomplish what they want and always remember, never be afraid to take on new things that could benefit you later!

feature image 


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