Learning new habits


It’s been a while since I’ve tried to pick up a new habit and I totally forgot how hard it is. Keeping yourself motivated to complete the task and being consistent seems like an easy thing to do in theory but…. ugh it actually really sucks! So I started reading different articles on how to make habits quicker by following this method.

The method is composed of 4 parts: the habit, the trigger, the behavior, and the reward.

The Habit

It’s kind of ironic that this is the first step in learning a new habit but your gonna want to to choose which habit that you want to cultivate. Whether it be going on morning runs or practicing an art skill you just have to choose something to do.

The Trigger

The trigger is what in acts the habit, what sets it off. For example, Every morning after I eat breakfast or every night after I brush my teeth. The Trigger is set in place as a reminder that helps keeps you, the individual consistent.

The Behavior

The behavior is the essential part of this whole method, actually doing it. After completing the first two steps this step is the climax to top it off.

The Reward

This is my favorite part of the method the reward. It allows you to look at the positive aspect of the task and keeps motivation up high.

For example, 6-year-old boy Bradley learns how to say please and thank you.  What he gains from this experience is manners making him become a nicer person.

All in all this method is simply just a guideline that can help to learn a habit quicker. I’ve tried this myself and it works just fine. So I hope you’d give it a try.