Learn not because you must, but because you can – The Youth Business Network


Have plans Saturday morning? Scrap them. Thinking of sleeping in? Sleep can wait. Want to redefine your future? That sounds pretty awesome, and that is exactly what the Youth Business Network will help you do!

The Youth Business Network is a student-run initiative in partnership with Junior Achievement. Several of the students behind this are alumni of your school. We are offering a unique opportunity for high school students interested in developing and learning real-life business skills and/or thinking about pursuing business/commerce in post secondary.

Students now have the chance to be introduced to the business world and gain applicable skills through hands-on experience. The Youth Business Network (YBN) is dedicated to fostering successful business leaders through education, experience and interaction with professionals. YBN aims to provide youth with a challenging environment and empower them to become effective leaders by connecting the leaders of today with the leaders of tomorrow.

The Youth Business Network’s primary goal is to help high school students develop their business potential. Through workshops, case competitions, conferences and other events, youth will have an opportunity to learn through hands-on experience and networking with industry leaders. YBN will connect youth passionate about business together and equip them with the tools and resources that will enable them not only to succeed, but also achieve their full potential. YBN members will be provided with an engaging, comprehensive and meaningful learning experience. 

This is an excellent opportunity for students to gain a competitive edge above their peers prior to entering University or the workforce. You can learn more about us at www.youthbusinessnetwork.ca