Laughter is the best medicine: Something to brighten your day


In the midst of numerous exams, extracurriculars, and the additional everyday stress of life, I must say that it has all been taking a bit of a toll on me. Yet, through it all, I have learned that it is necessary to take a bit of a breather and to  laugh because sometimes, all you can do is laugh. For me, laughter has always been the best means of therapy. Whether it is watching a few episodes of Friends or seeing a cute baby become fascinated by the smallest thing, it helps me gain perspective on life. I realize to not sweat the small stuff.

So today, I want to share with you some of my most prized videos that have always brought a smile to my face. I know these videos are never a permanent solution, but it can help us keep going and to keep smiling. Sometimes, all you need is a quick laugh to brighten up your day.

Love to eat, and love to laugh:

This list would not be complete without a cat video:

Japanese humour is the best sometimes:

I love Jimmy Fallon, especially when the 80s are involved: