Late Post: Happy Eco-Holidays!


Some things about the holidays just can’t go forgotten; lights, cookies, a tree, presents and turkey are a few staples that will appear in thousands of homes during the holiday season.  The impact these staples have on the environment, however, can very easily be looked over.  These things that represent the holidays for so many people can be incredibly hurtful upon the environment.  So, in the spirit of the holiday season, think about the environment while you’re stuffing your face with turkey and wrapping up gifts for all your relatives.  Here are some tips to take into consideration:

  1. Use LED lights- Replace your old, inefficient regular Christmas lights with this newer version of energy-efficient ones.  LED lights look fantastic and will save you a whole lot of money and time spent replacing bulbs in the long run.
  2. Buy a real tree- You may think, isn’t buying a real tree just killing a tree and how at all is that helping the environment?  It is not widely known that for each tree harvested at a tree farm, another 10 are planted in order to ensure a crop every year.  So, as ironic as it may sound, cutting down one tree will save more.
  3. Wrap presents in newspaper- With a nice bow or piece of ribbon on top, this technique can actually look quite fantastic.  It is much more unique than the usual Christmas wrapping paper and avoids hordes of paper being thrown out that were admired for a couple seconds before being ripped to pieces.
  4. Buy an organic turkey- holiday dinner is something that we all look forward to immensely each year.  The Holidays might not be the same without a turkey, but buying that turkey organic shouldn’t change a thing.  Organic turkeys are healthier, do not have toxins, and taste even better than your normal grocery store brand!
  5. Use natural and organic ingredients in your holiday baking- Those shortbread cookies, butter tarts, and chocolate truffles do not need to be rid of in order to have an eco-friendly holiday season.  Some small adaptations can be made to them to minimize the impact your Christmas baking has on the environment.  Use all-natural and organic ingredients in your baking; it will make them healthier, and will alleviate some of the guilt felt whilst eating them!