La La Land


Once again, I was able to go to the theater to see the mesmerizing on screen chemistry of Emma stone and Ryan Gosling. I see now why this film won seven golden globe awards and I would not be surprised if this film managed to score an Oscar as well, given its staggering fourteen nominations. I must warn you now, this article is full of spoilers!

Damien Chazelle did an amazing job of portraying a modern day romance artistically using a range of colors, effects and songs. Speaking of songs, the composer Justin Hurwitz has created a beautiful and subtle sound track for majority of the musical. Songs like “Another day of the sun” is energetic, but in the duet version of “city of stars” is the perfect combination of adventure and excitement yet is beautiful subtle and makes the viewer want to sing along.

Mia, a struggling actress is always in-between auditions and working a mediocre job. Seb is a  struggling pianist who’s life passion and meaning is Jazz music. This couple does not have a typical meet-cute rather their first three encounters are disastrous. Two unlikely people accept each other for who they are, and love each other almost as much as they love their dreams, but their love is not enough. Seb initially joins a band he did not want to, just to provide and make money for the both of them. Mia is unsuccessful at scoring any role and her own play is a flop. Although they love each other and are sacrificing a lot for each other, they realize that their dreams will always be their own, and no one can ever get in the way of that. They chose their careers over each other even though they admitted that they still loved each other.

The ending has to be the best part though. Their epilogue of what could have been, had their second encounter been just a bit different and very Hollywood. The epilogue made this movie really stand out to me. The epilogue was a five-seven minute montage where they showed what could have been and now in the films the movie would have ended and how everything would have been so happy, but showing that it wasn’t was what made this movie perfection.  The ending was not like most Hollywood films where the guy gets the girl no matter what happens, even years later, it was a bitter sweet ending that made it a genuine masterpiece. The movie ends with Seb and Mia smiling at each other from a distance after he plays “their song” on the piano.

Here’s to the ones who dream, foolish as they may seem. Here’s to the hearts that ache, here’s to the mess we make

Today, many people put their studies or their careers above all because that is just who they are. This movie was a modern day tale with some extra effects. Its musical numbers, dramatic lighting, dancing in the stars scene and its realistic outcomes; it genuinely captures the audience and shows a glammed up version of our lives.  It’s a brilliantly casted and directed “Casablanca” for a new generation. Now I can’t speak for you, but you might just see me in the movies, re-living this blissful and mesmerizing experience.