Know some amazing youth? Awesome!


YODA Logo - January 2009 copy

It’s that time of year again!  Nomination forms for the 2010 ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards are now available!

The ConocoPhillips Youth of Distinction Awards, a program of CYFC, is an opportunity for Calgarians to recognize deserving youth (13-18 yrs) for the amazing ways in which they have chosen to live. The awards are not academic rather they focus on leadership, friendship, overcoming personal challenge and community service.  The seven award categories are as follows:

Advocate Award (formerly the Activist Award): To be given to a youth who has committed time and energy lending their voice to a cause and bringing about change. 

Environmentalist Award: To be given to a youth and a group of youth who are committed to improving the environment and reducing environmental degradation.

Leadership Award: To be given to a youth who has chosen to take a leadership role in bringing positive change to their school or community.  This youth will have demonstrated responsibility and drive, as well as initiative in starting new projects and programs.

Peer Support Award: To be given to a youth who has mentored others. This youth will have positively influenced someone struggling to overcome issues in their life.

Perseverance Award: To be given to a youth who has prevailed over adversity or an obstacle in their life.

Volunteerism Award: To be given to a youth who is truly selfless and dedicated to helping others.  Though not necessarily in a leadership role, this youth has shown commitment to bettering their community by volunteering their time to a cause they are passionate about.

Do you know a young person who is the perfect example of one of these categories?  Fantastic – Nominate them! 

Nomination forms are available at  The deadline for nominations is March 15th, 2010.