Kiwanis Youth Diversity Cup


diversity cupSo this past weekend, I had a chance to go and check out the annual Kiwanis Youth Diversity Cup from June 8-9, 2013 at the Forest Lawn Athletic Park. The Kiwanis Youth Diversity Cup is a fun, free soccer tournament for youth run by Kiwanis in partnership with the Calgary Learning Village Collaborative (CLVC) and the Calgary Police Service (CPS). The event celebrates the wide range of cultures and backgrounds of Calgary’s youth through a celebration of soccer, as well as various cultural events.

In addition to the soccer tournament, there were many local musicians, vendors and minor activities to complement throughout the weekend. Later, there was also a friendly soccer match between the Calgary Police Service and the local community. While there was lots of rain, I thought it was a fun event and more importantly, it brought out the multiculturalism and diversity the youth here in Calgary have!

Make sure you check out their website here to see what other cool events they have throughout the year, as well as next years tournament!

Here are some photos:

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  1. Welcome to Youth Are Awesome! 🙂
    How was the Youth Diversity Cup? I was going to do the YVC project but I ended up doing Show Your Colors 🙁
    I just hate it when Calgary decides to get all cloudy and rainy on the weekend when all festivals and events are happening, yuck.
    And I hope I will run into you one day, and like you said, who knows? 🙂

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