Kindness; The Human Condition


There’s a solid conception within society,

On karma,


The idea that what you do,

Makes it way back to you


Even if you don’t want it to


This idea tends to inspire more kindness overall,

We don’t want bad things coming back to us


But what if this didn’t exist?

What if the actions we took had no repercussions on ourselves?


Would we still choose kindness


After living my entire life in a community of vibrantly different people,

I have no doubt that kindness would still exist


Kindness exists even when no one is looking, 

When you anonymously pay for someone’s coffee,

Or help a struggling animal


We are all good people inside


Perpetuating that however, 

Has seemingly become more and more difficult


Why is it harder to choose the right path?

It’s because the other ones are so tempting to follow,

Abandon kindness for self gain,


That’s not how it works


In this society, 

We foster love and connection


And in the days leading up to pink shirt day,

I urge you to choose kindness.


More Reading About Pink Shirt Day


How To Get Involved!


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