Kerri’s 3 Things for Calgary


A giant green 3 has never been more exciting! “3 Things for Calgary” is an awesome new campaign that can for sure make a huge difference. The premise is simple, choose 3 things to do as an individual for your street, neighbourhood and city. Seems easy enough, right? Well I agree. But if everyone does it, Calgary is going to be even MORE amazing than it already is.

So, without further ado, here are my 3 things for Calgary:

1. I’ve always loved the street I live on, my neighbours are beyond nice, and we’ve all lived near each other for a looooong time, so we’re super tight. One of the best things about my street is that there’s a ton of kids that live on it! So, seeing as I’m the oldest one on my street, I’m going to offer some free babysitting services to my neighbours. I really love all the kids on my street, so it’s really not a hassle to spend time with them, but it can be a HUGE help to a busy parent.

2. Like my street, my community is also super amazing, but i know we can be even more amazing! So I’m going to spread the word about the “3 things” campaign! By talking to my neighbours, family and friends, hopefully they’ll come up with their own 3 things and this whole campaign will become even bigger and better! Yay!

3. Last but not least, my plan to help the city is to volunteer! Now, I already do volunteer a fair amount, but my new goal is to find a cause that I really am passionate about so that I can donate a ton of time to that and see the long term pay off that volunteering brings!

Everyone should definitely come jump on the “3 Things for Calgary” bandwagon because it’s seriously going to shake up the city! 🙂