Judging a Facebook by its cover


Facebook, apart from being an informal networking website, is also emerging as a “personality check platform.” It’s not all so uncommon for us to go and search up a person we just met, look at his posts, his pictures, etc. and make judgement about his personality. Nowadays, even the corporate world relies on Facebook. The interviewer often views the interviewee’s Facebook profile to have a personality background. Such is the influence and role of Facebook in our lives!

With Facebook profiles becoming the basis of our judgements, it allows for a very wide gap between perception and reality. A person’s Facebook profile may look very mature and sensible, but in reality that person may just be the character foil of his/her own Facebook profile! Thus Facebook is now seen by many as a tool to showcase the personality they want to have instead of their true selves. Thus we should all be aware of those gaps and not base our judgement on mere Facebook profiles.

There are times when in-person meetings are inadequate to judge an individual’s personality, and here we are trying to judge them on mere Facebook profiles; by doing this, we may or may not come up with appropriate judgments, but what we certainly do is show our shallow thoughts and immature ideas, as if trying to prove the older generations (who label us as shallow thinkers) right!