One may usually perceive Calgary as being the last place for a nature filled experience with all city lights that light up the sky, but youth photographer Joel Agarwal proves that Calgary is a nature-oriented city that is not solely run on the basis of technology. Last week I was able to catch up with Joel to ask him for what his inspiration was.
He said:
“I’m so inspired by how beautiful the world is. All you have to do is take the time to stop and realize the splendor and the amazing paint strokes all around us. Often we get so caught up in our everyday busy lives and we forget to notice the little things around us. Photography has been a hobby that really allows me to capture moments, special unique moments that will never ever be the same again. I hope my photography inspires others to see the world through different lenses and to realize just how fortunate we are to live in such a gorgeous world and not to take it for granted.”
Joel was the main photographer at the “Speaking for the Future,” hosted by the Calgary Youth Advisory Council presented by the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation and had his autumn photos featured at the Penrith Regional Gallery & The Lewers Bequest in Australia. Through Joel’s photos, I have a deeper connection with Calgary’s natural side and as a result his photos produce emotions in me that entail a greater appreciation for natural environmental beauty. But of course the pictures that you see here are just of the tip of the iceberg and only reveal a small taste of Calgary’s natural side.
For more pictures visit and like: https://www.facebook.com/joelaphotography