Japanese Invention: Edible meat made from feces


A few days ago while web-surfing through Daily Tech, I came across a rather appalling headline, “Japanese make ‘delicious,’ nourishing steaks from human feces.”

…Beef? …Made from poop?! WHAT?!

So here’s what’s up:

Japan has an increasing excess of sewage mud, and what better solution is there but to have its population eat it up. Thus, mastermind, Mitsuyuki Ikeda, found a way to extract the good protein that is found in human waste, add it with a reaction enhancer, transfer the mixture into an “exploder” machine, and voila, artificial steak made from poop! In addition, red food coloring and soy protein are added to make this artificial meat more appealing and appetizing.

Sounds delicious hey?

Not only is this beef healthier than traditional beef (63% protein, smaller fat content, and fewer calories), but the scientist Ikeda believes it is also an excellent way to reduce green house gas emissions that are produced by livestock.

Personally, I would never try this “meat.” Even watching someone eat it would be sickening for me.

But… what do you think? Would you be able to swallow this “beef” or is there a psychological barrier that would make you gag at the sight of it?

Check out this video to learn more about what could be found in our future burgers: