Japan Spotlight: Crazy, Weird and Funny Game Shows


I love to laugh. I don’t know about you, but YouTube is a great way to find game shows from Asia! They’re those kind of videos that you can’t help but show all your friends and type “LOL”…and actually laugh out loud! So I hope you enjoy my collection of Crazy, Weird and Funny Game Shows.

“Human Tetris” – I’m sure you’ve heard or seen this already. Technically it’s not tetris, it’s basically a wall coming at a person with a shape/hole in it. The goal of the game is to get through the shape in any way possible. Even Ellen Degeneres tried something like this on her show!

[youtube 64mX9kfJn3Y]

Library Game Show – What’s the number one thing you can’t do in a library? Make a lot of noise! Imagine a game where you have to contain your laughter due to insane acts of torture (as in practical-joke kind of torture). And imagine you were picked to be tortured because some card said so! Yeah, it’s really hard to stay silent in a library.

[youtube cjEjPYqMFRs]

Takeshi’s Castle – I’m not sure if this is still on Spike TV or not, but it’s a hilarious game show with hilarious commentary from…well, hilarious hosts! Just think of ‘Wipeout: Japan version’ and you have Takeshi’s Castle!

[youtube qYm6HniB_J0]

Marshmallow Game – Yet again, Ellen did something like this on her show–both videos are equally as funny! You’re trying to grab a marshmallow with your mouth…but there’s a twist!

[youtube 9U2a9xw]

Flash Mob – Okay, so I don’t think this is a game show…but it’s hilarious! Just watch.

[youtube cPYiS5ebGgk]

That’s it folks! I know there’s a TON more, but I’m sure you can find them on your own 🙂 And if you have a lot of time, you should find some videos with the most ridiculous/stupid game show answers ever (Japan game shows AND North America). It’ll keep you entertained for hours!