It’s OUR Education!


Speakout! logoFor many of us, even if we don’t want to admit it, educate is important!  We spend most of our days at school, so shouldn’t we students have a little bit of a say in what happens with our education system?  The Minister of Education thinks so!

SpeakOut! Alberta is a site dedicated to providing a space for Alberta’s students to talk about and learn about education issues/advancements being made in the province.  Have an idea?  Check out the forums.  A suggestion?  Why not respond to the Minister’s videoblog!  Wanna be in the know?  Subscribe to the Alberta Ed. blog.  There is something for every student to delve into and – hey – it’s our education! Get involved!

If you’re interested in becoming even MORE involved, check out the “Council” tab and learn about how you could get on the Minister of Education’s Youth Advisory Panel!


  1. This is great; I don't understand why my school wouldn't even tell us such thing exist. Stuff like pulling funding from the public education system, taking away written component of diploma, and class size (We have 90 people class size in my school) are definitely issues worth mentioning to SpeakOut! Alberta.

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