It’s Kind of a Funny Story by: Ned Vizzini


As you may have seen, I’m still exploring authors who’s work I’ve never read before.  Read on to find out what I thought of the latest novel…

If you are looking for a cheerful, light hearted story, It’s Kind of  a Funny Story by Ned Vizzini is not what you’re looking for.  Here’s a quote to prove my point “It’s so hard to talk when you want to kill yourself.”   The author uses lines like this in the beginning of the novel to capture the reader’s attention, but I believe such lines may have created a feeling of hopelessness and caused readers to give up on the novel.

However, the novel covers a very important topic for teenagers today.  This is a story that explorers teenage depression through the eyes of a severely depressed teenager.  The novel is shockingly realistic in its interpretation of depression and teenage mentality.  Yet it manages to still be quite funny, which makes the book a less painful read. This is the first novel I’ve read that so openly discusses depression.

Basically, our depressed protagonist (Craig) chooses to seek help over suicide.   As a result, he finds himself in a mental hospital.  And, like in all great teen novels, the plot twist leads to self discovery and newfound love.

I would recommend this novel to readers 15 and older. I give this novel a 4/5.


  1. Ah! I loved this novel! I really, really disagree with you William because that first line caught my attention and, indeed, made me want to read more. The honesty and almost-jarring bluntness of this story is something you rarely find in YA books and I really appreciated it.

    If you liked this one, I'd be interested to see what you'd think of FEED by M.T Anderson. Just a suggestions 🙂

  2. don't get me wrong, i really enjoyed this novel. what is was trying to say is that many readers would avoid such novels due to the sense of hopelessness it conveys. but i appreciate the style of this novel.

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