is treating others how you want to be treated a good phrase?


Recently I’ve been contemplating whether the phrase ‘treating others how you want to be treated’ is valuable. So here are some reasons I think treating others how you want to be treated is beneficial.

  1. It leaves people thinking. For example, recently I’ve been treating everyone at my school, in public, etc. how I would want to be treated. For me, I would want people to be socially aware of what could be going on in my life. Typically when I am stressed I  seem mad, distant, and mean. I know this is not good, (I’m working on it), but if I was, I would want someone to ask me if i was okay, or just leave me alone. Not like how usually people treat me such as “must be her time of the month” or “why are you acting like this?!?!” or just straight up giving me a dirty look.
  2. You don’t know what people are going though. I feel like this is the most valid point. I won’t ever know what anyone is going though, so I found that no matter how mean someone is to me, it usually is due to some underlining problem that they could have. It’s not their fault. I’m a teenager, all teenagers are trying to do is figure themselves out, and unwrap the underlining problems of their ancestors, or just of the environment they grew up in.
  3. It could better their day. I recently been more smiley and outgoing. i.e. If we made eye contact i would smile (which not a lot of teenagers do) and usually I found that it made my classmates day. Just giving them a simple compliment such as “I like  your shirt” made such a big impact on their life. For example, my friend recently got complimented on his outfit by a worker at Calaway, and he was overjoyed. He mentions it every now and then, as well as saying “that’s the first time anyone ever complimented my whole outfit.” Now opposed to me, I get compliments on my outfit, my hair, my smile daily. It doesn’t better my day as much as his. So treating others how you want to be treated could in end better their day, and who doesn’t like bettering someone’s day?

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