Is this the new smartphone revolution?


phonebloks-main3A new idea has come up and it needs the world’s help to become a reality. Phonebloks is a new project in which the idea is to create a phone which can be separated into replaceable parts. For example, a lot of people break their phone’s screen. With phonebloks, this is no longer a problem as you can replace your screen without having to replace the entire phone. This is a perfect idea in the way that it saves the environment. By the same token, it is also a good idea for consumers and the tech industry as the products add ons are said to be open source, allowing for users to choose whichever part they desire. Some people may want a better camera for better pictures or a better processor for a faster phone. What ever the consumer desires, they may choose.phonebloks


On the other hand, this company needs your help in order for the product to be created. If they cannot get a few companies like example Samsung, Nokia or other tech companies to agree to create parts, they will not create this product. This is why you can support them for free by using thunderclap (a website used to massively tweet or Facebook one thing at the exact second to every one of your followers or friends, along with thousands, possibly millions, of other people) to show companies that there is support for this product.


Pictures from:

Thunderclap link:

Phonebloks website:

If you like to learn more watch the video below.