iOS vs. Android


A few weeks ago, I did a post on Apple vs. Samsung so I thought it would be fitting to cover iOS vs. Android, as it relates closely to my last post.

Android vs. IOS, the big question
Android vs. iOS – The Big Question


I find that iOS is preferred amongst an older age group. The reason for this is that it’s easy to use, simple, and while it may not have the capabilities or the ability to do everything that Android can do, it still gets the job done, whether that being texting or calling. The simplistic function of being able to download apps and then just having to tap their icon on the screen makes iOS easy to use. You can also easily transition to iOS if you were previously using a phone with a different operating system. One major downside is that if you want iOS, you have to get an Apple gadget, which puts a huge restriction on your options when choosing what phone to get. iPhones are really expensive, and many people don’t see the point in getting a new one each time Apple releases a new model.



Personally, I find Android better, and the primary reason for that is that you can do a lot more with it. In iOS, you are limited to what is available on the App Store, while in Android there is a lot more possibility. However, this also comes with a lot of complexity. Many people, especially those who are older and may not be so familiar with today’s modern technology, feel that the difficulty faced when using Android makes them lean towards iOS (because of it’s easy use) and the fact that they don’t need to utilize the majority of the features in iOS. The devices that utilize Android are also built to be able to utilize and take advantage of all the factors and capabilities. Furthermore, since a lot of different types of phones which utilize Android, you have a wide variety of options to choose from. This is especially important if you don’t want to spend a few hundred dollars on a phone.