Invasion of the… flu?


nullRecently, I’ve had the opportunity to spend a week at home, wrapped up in blankets completely sick. Extremely fun 🙂 Here are five small tips to help you survive the recent bug that’s been going through Calgary.

1) Drink hot liquids

Remedies such as sugared ginger tea help clear the nasal passageways during a cold.  Any hot liquid is shown to decrease mucus production and boost body functions. Keep a thermos of tea close by when sick.

2) Boost your immune system

Take Vitamin C and ginseng immediately when feeling sick. Remember to also take Vitamin D to boost Vitamin C absorption. Ginseng extracts such as Cold Fx may also be helpful.

3) Rest up!

Sleep! Getting sick might be your body’s way of telling you those all nighters that you pulled lately were not beneficial to your health. Take this time to catch up on sleep and to become well rested.

4) Deal with the stress

Stress from work, school, relationships etc. may intensify illness durations and severity. Deal with the stress to recover quickly!

5) Limit medication consumption

Try to limit usage of some common medications. Medications such as chemical nasal sprays may offer short term congestion relief, but cause damage to mucus producing cells in the nasal passageway.

I hope everyone takes care and avoids the bug that’s been passing around Calgary lately. Dress warm, sleep well and keep healthy this spring season!