Introduction of new distracted driving legislation in Alberta


For years, Albertans have been hearing about other provincial governments cracking down on distracted driving and making illegal such actions as talking or texting on a cell phone while driving. Now it seems that the time has come for Alberta to take on some new driving laws, which are thorough beyond any other previous legislation put into place.

Starting today (Sept 1, 2011) Bill 16 will be put into effect, which will heavily restrict drivers from:

– using hand-held cell phones and other electronic devices

– entering/programming information into a GPS

– reading, writing, or sketching

– personal grooming

– eating

The phrase “heavily restrict” is not an exaggeration, either, since the fine for an offence is a solid $172. The law applies to all urban and rural roads in the province, and also applies to cyclists. While no legislation has officially been passed on rules regarding pets in vehicles or hands-free use of cell phones, police still hold the authority to make judgements and charges of distracted driving as they think necessary.

Many Albertans are complaining about the strict new law, especially when it comes to unique restrictions on such things as eating, but in the end the passing of Bill 16 will make Alberta’s roads at least a little bit safer. Drivers do not usually view distracted driving as a serious offence and risk to the public’s safety, but with a law now clear on what is not permitted, perhaps we can all take driving as seriously as it should be taken.

For more information on the new distracted driving legislation, visit the Government of Alberta’s website.

What is your opinion on the new distracted driving law?


  1. I like the law but I think after about a month or two the police will stop caring about “distracted drivers” unless they are being a hazard.

    Next, I hope they ban smoking in cars!

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