Introducing YAA’s New Media Editor, Danielle Leong


Au Revoir, Arrivederci, Namaste, Auf Wiedersehen, 안녕히 가세요. 

No matter which way you say it, I have finally reached the end of my term as Junior Editor with Youth Are Awesome. I have endlessly enjoyed this journey with YAA. For three years, YAA has been a platform for me to voice my opinions in a free and accepting space, overlooking the Science and Technology (Media) section. I have been consistently in awe of the young fresh faces walking through our doors bringing in with them innovative and vivacious perspectives.

Amongst these fresh faces is YAA’s new Junior Editor of Media, Danielle Leong.

I recall seeing Danielle at our first meeting a few weeks ago, hesitant at first, but before long, she was evidently creating informative and engaging content for our readers. Her first post on the “Aquaman Crystals” had me squealing at my laptop, as another fellow YAA blogger shared my enthusiasm about science.

However, I would never put this section into the hands of just anyone. So fear not, here is a further look into Danielle.

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Simply exuberant, introducing the new Junior Editor of Media, Danielle Leong.

W H O   I S   D A N I E L L E ?

Danielle is a progressive individual who upholds an open mind. She explains how she got involved in the field of science and technology by stating, “When I was younger, I really loved English. But as I grew older, I also gained an interest in science through watching different programs like ASAP Science and BuzzFeed. What could be better than combining your two best interests into one thing.”

Additionally, she draws inspiration from various science websites and is an adamant follower of multiple science-related Twitter accounts.

I also ventured to ask about how YAA will affect Danielle’s future in which she responded, “I don’t know what I want to do in the future, but I am leaning more towards the science-y side of things–so perhaps, researching.”

When she is not checking up on the everyday happenings in science, she can be found exploring her other interests including swimming, playing piano and participating in Model United Nations.

F U T U R E   O F   Y A A ?

Danielle expressed her vision for YAA by saying, “Let’s hope that I can maintain as good of a job as you [Rebecca] have done [I could get used to this]. I’m hoping to reach out to the community more to encourage the science and technology field in our city. I want to make a positive difference.”

“I think choosing science topics that are relevant to all youth will help us have a truly united front,” is how Danielle summed up her aspirations for the Media section at YAA under her leadership.

F I N A L   R E M A R K S

“Welcome!” says Danielle as she takes the reigns of YAA’s Media section. Although short, the statement is indicative of Danielle’s contagious personable attitude. Her warmth and diligence applied to science, technology and media distinguishes her as the perfect person to be your new Junior Editor of Media.


What better way to reach our conclusion than with a little Vampire Weekend.

Thank you for giving me this time to dedicate myself to something that I was passionate about. Thank you for the time that I was graced with to meet incredible youth and people who seek to empower our voices. But now it is time for others to have their chance at making an impact with this unique platform.

As I say goodbye, another says hello.

Welcome, Danielle!






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