Introducing Canadian Music [September]



Happy September YYC! The beginning of a school year means a new start, so I thought it was appropriate to introduce new (and old) Canadian bands to add to your playlist. I was recently contacted by a band from Edmonton and I immediately fell in love with their music. This made me realize how shielded we are from artists and musicians that do not receive much publicity. There is so much talent in the music industry that is not celebrated or emphasized enough.

Hence the start of ‘Introducing Canadian Music‘, a new YAA series that will post monthly about unique Canadian artists and bands.9

1. Nothing Gold Can Stay

Nothing Gold Can Stay is a pop punk band from Edmonton. In June 2015, they released their first EP titled ‘Familiar Faces’ which contained six original songs. Their music has a vague alternative feel that’s integrated into the heavier punk sound. The highlight of their music, and what I find most enjoyable (and exciting in a way), is the equal emphasis on both vocals and instrumentals. Check out their EP here (my personal favourite is Familiar Faces)!

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2. The Dudes

The Dudes is a 90s indie rock band from Calgary. Their music is extremely catchy and shows their light-hearted and fun spirit. I was instantly addicted to their music and wanted to dance to it (cliché, but true).  The Youtube video below is one of my favourites but you can listen to more of their music here!

3. The Zolas

If you’re looking for some calm yet funky music, check out The Zolas, an indie rock band from Vancouver. The aspect of their music that I love the most is their genius lyrics. Their songs are simultaneously nostalgic and sweet, which is intriguing and makes it all the more relatable. You can listen to more of their music here!

BONUS: If you want to jam out to this band live, make sure to check them out at X-Fest on September 5th and 6th!

Stay tuned for the October edition of ‘Introducing Canadian Music’!