Into the Depths of Space: Wormholes, Black Holes, and White Holes


We’ve all watched Interstellar, and have marvelled at the incredible 4th dimension, wormhole travelling, and black hole phenomenon. While the film is purely fictional, there happens to be certain aspects of nonfiction. Within our universe, and the many ones beyond, there exists an unimaginable amount of celestial wonders that incredibly challenge our understanding of the cosmos. From the incredible birth of stars to the mysterious depths of black holes, our universe is one of the most interesting topics for scientific inquiry.

Black holes

Black holes, formed when massive stars collapse under their own gravity, act as a sort of vacuum cleaner–pulling in everything nearby, even light. When these stars collapse, they create an incredibly dense region of space where gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape–this phenomenon is known as the event horizon. This creates a point called a singularity, a point of infinite density where the usual laws of physics we are accustomed to break down, and our understanding of the universe is challenged.

White holes

In contrast to the gravitational abyss of black holes, white holes are purely theoretical ideas that mirror their counterparts–while black holes pull matter and energy inward, white holes are imagined to expel them outward. Despite their intriguing properties, no actual evidence exists–leaving them to be in the realm of theoretical speculation.


Wormholes, also known as Einstein-Rosen bridges, are theoretical tunnels in spacetime that connect distant points in the universe. There was a specific scene in Interstellar, where one of the astronauts shows a demonstration of wormholes with a piece of paper–to say the least, it was incredible. According to the theory of general relativity, wormholes could be used as shortcuts through the cosmos, potentially allowing for faster than light travel between two points in spacetime. While the existence of wormholes remains theoretical, they offer an imaginative glimpse into the possibilities of interstellar travel and exploration.

Studies such as astrophysics and cosmology offer a deep dive into the universe, allowing us to see the wonders and complexities with theory and experimentation. From the mysterious realms of black holes and white holes, to the theoretical ideas of wormholes, scientists continue to push the boundaries of our understanding. As we continue to rewatch films like Interstellar, it certainly sparks speculation about the possibility that its fantastical elements such as the 4th dimension, wormholes, and alternate universes are real.
