Internet slangs you need to know


You are chatting with your friends or someone special. Your conversation is at the peak, then comes a word you have no idea about. You don’t wanna ask its meaning and spoil the tempo of the conversation. But then what should you do? To avoid such situations, here is the basic list of internet slangs you need to know.

1) LMAO – Laughing My A** Off! This is saved for those moments when ‘haha’ or ‘LOL’ just won’t convey the amount of fun you are currently experiencing.

2) ROFL – Rolling On the Floor Laughing! A more desperate word for LOL.

3) TL;DR – Too Long; Didn’t Read. If this is the message you got while chatting, you probably wanna stop sending long messages. But this slang is sometimes used on formal notices, or to sum up the content of the whole document.

4) SMH – Relatively new, yes, but SMH has given Twitter and Instagram junkies a new way to say “shaking my head”. Just try not to use it in the wrong context as others could mistake the first letter for “shut” and the other two as something highly offensive and that could instantly end the relationship you have with your new boyfriend/girlfriend.

5) GOML – Get On My Level! In today’s day and age, every individual now has a certain “level.” It can be taken to a whole other “level” but in most occasions, you just want someone to GOML, or simply “get on your level”.

6) IMHO – In My Humble Opinion. This slang is normally used only before not-so-humble statements.

7) AWK – Not exactly an abbreviation, it is actually a short form of the word ‘awkward’ (lazy peeps!)

8) YOLO – You Only Live Once! The ever so fresh Twitter slang was coined by hip hop star Drake in one of his songs and is said to be all about living life to the fullest for as long as you can. The worst part of the trending term: everyone, including your grandmother and annoying boss, has been known to use it.

And then there are always words like LOL, OMG, BTW, ETC. that everybody who uses internet knows about! So use these slangs and HAND (Have A Nice Day!)

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