Best Internet Sites


The internet is growing rapidly, and we can all see evidence of that in our own lives. Because I love infographics, here’s one about the growth of the internet. To sum it up, the world wide web is growing pretty fast. And while there are definitely a long list of downsides to the growth of internet, including privacy, compromised social skills, and online crimes – there are many good things about this technology.

One of them being the increased spread of knowledge.
I love to learn things on the internet! So today, I’ll share some of my favourite YouTube channels and websites with you.

OMP_logo_brush_square21. Minute Physics

This is definitely one of my favourites! Minutephysics is a YouTube channel with hand drawn animations (you’ll see what I’m talking about) that explain physics. It sounds boring, but the animations are adorable, with ample use of cats and sheep; and the explanations of hard physics topics are interesting and relatively easy to follow. Check it out!

2. xkcd

“A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.”

Self explanatory. Take a look at it! Also, be sure to take a look at the “What If?” section, which is linked in the upper left hand corner of the xkcd page under “Archive”. The xkcd creators answer hypothetical questions with physics every Tuesday. It’s super cool and very interesting.

3. SciShow

Another YouTube channel! This one is full of explanations from Hank. It helps a lot.

4. Crash Course

YouTube channel. It has five courses: World History, Biology, Literature, Ecology, and US History. And, as you may have guessed, this channel provides a variety of crash courses on a variety of topics in these courses. So if you’re ever having trouble with a topic in school, and see it on this site, you’re in luck.

If you’re not having trouble with a topic in school, it’s really fun to just learn things. So I encourage you to check all four of these channels/sites out! They are well worth the time in my opinion. Being both enjoyable and educational, I think we can agree that it’s a win-win situation.

Thank you for reading, and happy interneting.
