Inspiring Strangers Every Day


So my awesome friend decided to do a tribute to Operational Beautiful and posted sticky notes with inspirational quotes and messages on them.

I think this is a beautiful idea and I also started doing similar things like this. Why? Because I believed that this would help people. I read PostSecret every week and saw this one secret where a person put inspirational sticky notes everywhere they went.

I also saw some secrets where people’s lives were saved because a stranger gave them hope just by writing something kind to them, even without knowing them personally. I think that’s the best kind of compliment or advice–when a stranger takes time out of their day to write something interesting or kind to help another.

I started writing notes and sticking them in everything I took out from the library. They referred to the content and also gave them a little bit to think about. I bookmarked certain pages and wrote random things on notes in hope to bring a smile to someone. Whenever I find things in a book it’s usually a book mark or a receipt, but it’s always nice to just stop and think who the person was. Why would they read this? Was it by chance that you got this book and read this particular item from the previous owner? I don’t know, there’s just something about used items that make me smile. Novelty items, vintage – they’re all so awesome!

So basically, what I want to share with you is this: Why don’t you do something nice for a stranger? Perhaps leave your secret in a PostSecret book, or tuck notes inside books or DVD covers. Perhaps you want to open a door for someone or pay for someone in line behind you. I truly believe that if we all do a little good in the world that people will be able to have brighter days and be more fulfilled. I believe that kindness and generosity spreads, and isn’t that what volunteering is mainly about? Why don’t you go do a random act of kindness today and feel even more like an awesome youth? 🙂

P.S. Who is the cutest?


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