Be inspired by the Calgary Spoken Word Festival!


2013-pass175Do you love poetry? performance? Do you love talking? listening? Creatively expressing yourself out loud? If you like anything creative, expressive, and inspirational, than the Calgary Spoken Word Festival is for you!

You’re probably wondering what the heck this festival is. My words couldn’t justify it, so check out the website here. I will, however, somewhat explain spoken word. Essentially, this art combines all types of oral performance. Poetry, sounds, stories. It has the power to inspire with words, rhythms, sounds, beat, language, music. Magic.




Why is spoken word so awesome? Quite simply, you are combining poetry and performance. Awesome + awesome = super duper amazingly awesome! Two of my favourite things to do are write and perform, so spoken word is perfect! And the good thing is, if you just like poetry, spoken word is for you, and if you just like performance, spoken word is for you too!

Poetry lovers: think of it as sharing your creations through your own voice, or if you’d like a passive role, experiencing the magic others have formed.

Performing lovers: think of it as performing your own creation. Embracing words and taking them to a whole new level. In a way, spoken word can be like a monologue, but with rhythm, a more creative structure, and deeper intention.


If this sounds at all interesting, than I urge you to check out some of the events at the 2013 Calgary Spoken Word Festival! This year, the theme is “X-dream thinking“. Sheri-D (the director) explained her intentions for this theme at one of the events I attended, and I highly suggest going yourself and exploring this world of creativity and self-expression!

Workshops, performances, slams, and talks are abundant from April 6-29! I went to the Youth Slam, and I am definitely planning on checking out some more events!

For more information:

Check out the website:

Or go to Shelf Life Books, or Pages Books!

Or go to their facebook page (Calgary Spoken Word Society / Festival)


See where poetry and performance takes you.

Be expressive. Find a new way to be creative.

Whether you try it yourself or observe others’ work, I hope you enjoy 🙂



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