Insatiable Violinist


Is anyone interested in Japanese Animations or Music?

Or have you seen it or listened to it?

I found one Violinist who desires to make more and more music with his Violin.  This Violinist is famous with teenagers especially in Japan. All we know about this man is that he is anonymous. We don’t even know his face. He always puts on a scream mask or another type of mask on his face when her performs.  This man plays most of the famous anime soundtrack songs with Violin or sometimes mixed with other instruments.

With his great passion, he’s made all styles of music perfectly fit in with his best friend Violin.  Once you hear him play, I’m sure you’ll be fascinated by his music.

Enjoy his play with common theme : Ponyo OST!

[youtube jBC-r99HkT0]

Other Video

[youtube xum7GQ5JZeM] [youtube phlrgUGpt38]


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