Infographic: 9 ways to be productive


Summer is nearing. We feel anticipation in the warming weather. The mornings are earlier and the nights are later. There are many great features of summer, particularly the “eat, sleep, and play” motto of summer vacation. With only a month and a half left of high school before summer starts, I am feeling a combination of sluggishness and excitement. It seems like my skills of slacking off are kicking in too early! But before the fun days can begin, final exams must be overcome. We cannot let ourselves fall short on the last and most important days of school. For those of us requiring a little motivation, think of school as a marathon. The last hundred meters are ahead, and the finish line is within sight. We’ve spent long, hard hours running this race, so pushing through in a sprint at the end will achieve a beautiful finish. Let us all put of our procrastination and laziness for the summer, and productively complete this school year with a bang!

The below infographic contains nine helpful tips to enhance your productivity. Enjoy!

Productivity Infographic, from []