The Indie Deal Directory


To start off the new year, you should consider investing in supporting independent developers. Other than all of the epic deals on Steam, there are several different indie deal/bundles that exist on the internet!

You have the Humble Bundle, which I previously wrote in this post. Every so often they have bundles with about 5 games in them. If you pay more than the average price, you will get a game or two and probably soundtracks of the game. Most games come with a Steam key and usually more games get unlocked after a week in the deal.

There’s also the Indie Royale Bundle which I also mentioned in this post. Every three weeks a new bundle comes out; a current minimum is set and if you pay more than the average then you set the minimum lower for everyone else.  Creating an account with Indie Royale allows you to keep track of the bundles you purchase. With a certain number of bundles purchased, you earn different rewards such as soundtracks.

Bundle In a Box is similar to Humble Bundle, in which the money goes towards charity as well as the creators. When you pay more than the average, you can unlock more games. The nice thing about this bundle is that it comes with a lot of games.

For more deals, GOG is a great place to get great deals on games. Green Man Gaming is also one of the better places for getting a new game for cheap. I recommend going here, as they usually have a coupon for 20-30% on all games. Steam only gives you 10% off for pre-orders, and some games never even go on sale. However GMG is a good alternative to saving money for new releases.

For more downloadable game retailers, visit the TruePCGaming article!