The Immortal Jellyfish

Turritopsis-nutricula, the jellyfish that can live forever.

When you think of immortality, what comes to mind? For me, I imagine vampires, Voldemort, and gods from mythology. But never would I have imagined that the embodiment of immortality would have been none other than the humble jellyfish.

Turritopsis nutricula is a species of hydrozoan (jellyfish) that is capable of a process named transdifferentiation.  This means that after becoming a mature “adult” jellyfish, it can regress back into its infant stage, known as its “polp” form.

The majority of jellyfish species only have lifespans ranging from a few days to a few months. Natural selection has allowed this marvelous creature to theoretically live forever as long as they aren’t eaten or overcome by disease. But this presents a bit of a problem. With an immortal jellyfish roaming around, scientists fear that they might clog the ocean. These types of jellyfish reproduce constantly, so, what is stopping them from taking over?

Its a bit of a scary thought, but these jellyfish do provide some benefits to the world. The process of transdifferentiation has inspired scientists to find a method of mending damaged or dead tissues in the human body using stem cells. Who knows, this little creature could be the key to curing cancer and preventing aging!


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