Ideas Worth Spreading


It’s my favourite website. It’s one of my greatest sources of inspiration. It’s something I recommend to everyone:

Ted.comThere I find videos of “talks” (presentations, speeches) at Ted conferences. But what is Ted? In 1984, it started out as a conference to bring toether ideas from three realms- technology, entertainment, and design. T.E.D. – Ted. Since then, however, it has expanded to host conferences on hundreds of topics, anywhere from Creative Collaboration to History. They feature speeches that broaden your mind and change your perspective, be it on the efficiency of global education systems or what exactly makes humankind happy.

Ted showcases phenomenal people with intriguing, and often pivotal, ideas. Hence Ted’s motto: Ideas worth spreading. Names of speakers you might recognize? David Blaine, Bono, James Cameron, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, Al Gore, Steve Jobs, Martin Luther King Jr, Jamie Oliver and Elizabeth Gilbert. even features a very inspirational speech made by J.K. Rowling to Harvard graduates. Ted also offers something for everyone – any topic area is sure to be covered in a new light. Furthermore, most talks have entertaining humourous aspects and stunning powerpoint presentations.

To get you hooked, I posted one of my favourite “talks”:


(Click the image to go to to watch the video.)