I Hate Science and Math Class


This may be a hot take, but I dislike science and math.

I don’t dislike it due to the fact that it’s boring; I just dislike it for me currently. For some context, growing up, I had an influential pressure to enjoy classes like math and science (specifically math) because those were the stereotypes thrown toward Asians. This led me to neglect subjects such as English and social, but up till a couple of years ago, I did not consider English and social as important subjects, so I didn’t pay attention, and I neglected the subjects that years later I’ve learnt to love. But the problem with me and many other Asians is that I also didn’t enjoy math or science either, yet I always felt the need to enjoy the subjects. This may be due to countless environmental factors, such as my Asian friends liking math/science. But nonetheless, I didn’t like school, and I hated every class. I didn’t try, and I got average grades. It wasn’t until the pandemic hit that I started learning more about myself and what I enjoyed and disliked. So during the pandemic, I realized that I had a love for English and social. So the following year, as I went back to school in person, English and social were the classes I got the best grades in. these classes made me enjoy school more and improved the grades of all my other classes.

So yes, I am Asian, and yes, I did stray away from the stereotype of enjoying science and math. I don’t know if there will ever be a time I’ll enjoy science and math, but I found that I dislike math and science for me. Of course, I’ve only explored a portion of science and math, so I could like them in the future, but currently, English and social have been my favourite subjects. I mean, who knows? Maybe when I start taking STEM classes, ill learn to enjoy the subject more.

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