I forgot my phone: Can you take the challenge?


Recently while I was browsing around YouTube I came across a very thought provoking video called “I Forgot My Phone.” Have a look:

As you can see from this short video, the title seems to be a misnomer, seeing as how a least one person in each segment of the video has their phone with them. This video to me brings up the issue of the social disconnect with people ever since phones have been introduced to society. Instead of calls or talking directly to each other, we text, and face to face communication has been reduced. Not only that, I believe that phones have reduced our sense of living in the moment, because we are sometimes too busy recording something to actually enjoy the experience. I personally think that if you aren’t viewing it with your own eyes, then you aren’t really experiencing it. I certainly think that it’s true that social media allows people to get connected, however I think that the best relationships are made face to face and not through other means of communication. Not only that, but according to this article, phones can even affect your sleep.

Considering how today’s socializing consists of a lot of connections through phones, I propose a challenge to you: Don’ t use your phone for one day. Just for one day. Instead of texting, snapchatting, messaging or whatever you do with your phone, don’t use it.

Instead, try to talk to people more, socialize. See if you can learn something new, instead of always being so glued to and dependent on your phone. Maybe your look on your life can change, who knows?