Humans and Nature


Last week I went hiking and saw a man with a chipmunk on his hand eating sunflower seeds. It has been a long time since I have seen humans and animals living together peacefully.

When we came to this world, all we did was destroy other animals habitats, and they have no power to fight back because humans are much more powerful than them. Sometimes animals will also do incredible actions. Fir example, a group of antelope hunters arrive at a cliff edge, ready to capture all of the antelopes. About a half hour later, the antelopes divide into two teams; the old antelopes in one team and the young antelopes in the other. An old antelope steps out of the team and calls out, then a young antelope immediately arrives beside the old one. The young one backs away a few steps, then suddenly jumps to the other side of the cliff. After that, the old one jumps as well but not as high as the young antelope. As the young antelope starts to fall down, a miracle happens. The old one appears right under the young antelope’s hoof and the young one steps on the old one’s back, then arrives on the other end of the cliff. The old one crashes into the mountain stream. Then all of the antelopes start to escape. Immediately the mountain appears as a dazzling arc. Those arcs are bridges that are based on the old antelopes death. That scene was so astonishing and it made the hunters put down their guns.

Under life-threatening conditions, animals will do anything to survive but the harm humans bring to them is chilling. Many people are willing to hunt animals and make money out of their body parts.  I feel that humans cannot take an advantage over other species just based on our knowledge. Ignoring other creatures rights and being cruel to them is wrong because other animals are just like us, living creatures which have feelings.

Earth is full of living organisms and humans are just one of them. We humans are always exaggerating our strength and always think we are the kings of the world who can trample everything, but in the end we will be the ones who are facing the danger of extinction. Those who regard life as worthless will slowly forget to love and lose their humanity. One day, humans will dig our own grave because we desecrated life.

There is only one Earth and everything on this planet is all Mother Earth’s offspring. Treating other animals well is treating ourselves well.