While “studying” for exams, I came across a very interesting test on the Internet; the Online Color Test. In this test, you are given four rows of different coloured squares and asked to arrange them according to hue. Seemingly easy, I thought that I would for sure get a flawless score (after seeing several comments bragging on Facebook). I was surprised to see that that, although I had a relatively low score, it was still higher than many others.

Although no two people see colours the same way (you can learn more about this from Vsauce) due to our rods and cones, everybody still should be able to distinguish between hues. In this test, the lower the score the better, with the lowest score being 0 and the highest being 1520. As a female age 16, an optimal score would be 0. Obviously, I didn’t do that well (I passed with a 38), which makes me wonder if I can’t distinguish hues properly, or if my computer just couldn’t properly display the colours (I know, excuses). Below is a picture of my results from the test. The score everyone should aim for is 0, which will have no bars. The area of colour where there are bars indicates hues that I had problems distinguishing. (Pretty neat how my pink-ish colours were flawless while my green/blues had issues.) Although not much about a person’s character can be determined from this test, it can determine if you have colour recognition problems.

After seeing several people with scores such as 8, 7, 2, and even 0, I was feeling slightly discouraged. Then again, there were others who had in the 60-80 zone. All of the same age but different genders and varying degrees of seeing ability, it made me wonder if there was some type of correlation. Or were the results contributed to our computers not being able to display the colours well enough to distinguish between all the hues?
According to the website, “1 out of 255 women and 1 out of 12 have some form of color vision deficiency.” Could this be why women see 40 different shades of pink while men believe that all pinks are just pink? (Show these results to your ladies, fellas. It might save you from the next argument over whether it’s fuchsia or magenta.)
Comment down below what your score was!