How To Subtly Mess With People


Many people enjoy following a routine. They wake up, go to work/school, then return home, only to repeat this the next day. For others, not so much. They like chaos. They enjoy messing with people without them realizing that they’re being messed with. Everyone probably has somebody like this in their lives and not gonna lie, I kind of like them. They keep things interesting. If you want to learn how to become one of these people then keep reading.

1. Holding the door open for a stranger when they are really far away.

I think this has all happened to us at least once. It’s incredibly awkward having to run to the door so that you don’t keep the person waiting. It’s pretty funny when you aren’t on the receiving end of it though. Give it a try 🙂

2.  Say “no pun intended” in a casual conversation.

People will assume that there’s a pun in what you said when there wasn’t. Most people won’t bother asking what the pun was, as they might find it embarrassing.

3.  If you’re feeling really bold, walk at the same pace as strangers.

When they slow down, you slow down. When they speed up, you speed up. Just mimic their walking patterns.

4. When people ask “What time is it?” reply with “Yeah, I think so.”

After they respond with “No, what time is it?’ say “Probably.” You have to make it seem genuine. People will get annoyed so quickly.

5. If someone is a close talker, take small steps backwards to see how far across the room you can get them to walk.

6. Tell someone that they have a booger and repeat it every few minutes.

7. Correct their pronunciation even though they said the word correctly.

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