How to Lose With Dignity in Scrabble


My sister is a master with words, and, it seems to go without saying, kicks butt at Scrabble. We often play this popular board game and get quite competitive with our own rules and standards. However, with developments in technology, the game of Scrabble can now be played on the iPhone and iPad. There is an iPhone App for Scrabble. However, for those that don’t want to pay $3, there’s a knock-off app called Words with Friends, which has a free version. There’s also a version for Android. I’ve downloaded both, and I prefer the Hasbro Scrabble version. It has more features, a better design and feels more like the traditional boardgame. However, the fact that Words with Friends has a free version meansĀ that I have moreĀ friends I can compete with on it.

When I was travelling in Brazil I was able to play Scrabble with my sister at the hotel over wifi instead of having to pack the boardgame.

With these apps comes some internet humour. I got the following comic posted on my Facebook by my sister today:

How to Lose at Scrabble with Dignity - Click the comic to be redirected to the source where you can see its full size, at

Here’s hoping we can lose with dignity in an age where playing Scrabble with friends is as easy as texting.