How to enjoy Halloween as a teenager


One of the worst parts of growing up: Halloween isn’t the same. Once you reach your teenage years, you aren’t that innocent, grinning kid skipping from door to door. To many households, you’re that creepy nuisance who adds to the candy bill. We’ve all been or at least seen those teenagers who throw on a funny hat or a jersey and go trick-or-treating late in the night. Let’s admit it. People don’t like that very much. How about finding an alternative? No, this doesn’t mean saying farewell to Halloween. Just maybe finding a more meaningful way for you to celebrate the holiday, without enforcing the rude teenager stereotypes.


What to do with your Halloween?

  • Haunted House
  • Screamfest
    • You’ve probably already heard of it. This isn’t a wussy spaghetti-and-eyeballs bucket. If you want a real scare, head on down to the most frightful place in town.
  • Have a (safe and legal, please) party
    • Many, many websites and books have great ideas for creepy games, food, and other things to create a night of fearful fun. Please don’t do anything you will regret come the next day.
  • Make your house the best trick-or-treating destination on the block
    • Zombie awakening from a grave? Scarecrow sitting on the porch? Find a way to jazz up the Halloween spirit for others by being a living halloween decoration.
  • Hand out candy: dress up, and rather than fattening yourself up on sugar, fatten yourself up with the joy of giving little kids candy (a.k.a. happiness)
    • I’ve decided that I want a part-time job as an ice cream scooper. Why? Because the prospect of making kids smile makes me smile. Spread some Halloween spirit and make someone have a huge smile or an innocent scream 🙂
  • This link has some cool ideas too:
  • Please, I’m begging you, don’t play pranks on innocent people or do anything else stupid or anything illegal. Please. It ruins the holiday for others, and it trashes the reputation of teens as a whole.


Most of all, just have some fun. Let yourself be a free-spirited little kid again for one night. Just be smart.

Happy Halloween!