How to be there for someone:


It is now May everyone! With the pandemic still taking place and the increased restrictions, it is not surprising that many do not feel their best. Social interactions are now limited again and we now call our screen our “school”. Things are getting more difficult for businesses with a low amount of demand and the distance between loved ones is growing. To add more, there is exam stress for students as we wrap up this unusual school year. With all this said, I believe communication is key right now for everyone’s mental health and well-being. If you know anyone who is struggling right now, here are some tips on how to approach them or how to be there for them:

  1. Listening: Yes, simply listening. Often, it feels good to just simply talk about how you feel and let it all out to someone who you know will listen, allowing the weights people carry to be lighter. When you are listening to someone who is not feeling their best, try not to make any judgments and or comments. Just listen to what they have to say and let them vent to you as there is most likely a lot on their mind. While this is something little, it can make a difference just to speak to other people. And while you cannot be with people in person right now, try having phone calls to let people know you are there for someone.
  2. Have FaceTime calls: With no school in person right now, it is difficult for people to get social interaction during these unprecedented times. This could also be the reason why many feel low. With all the extra time, try FaceTiming some friends and check in on them. You will not only get to see their wonderful faces, but you will also get to have good conversations making everyone feel happier. My friends from school and I started doing this, and it makes a big difference as everyone feels less isolated and there are people to listen to you.
  3. Remind them about all the good things: Simply complimenting them and telling them about everything they have achieved can help them feel better as they can realize how far they have come. Also, remind them to not sweat the small stuff and try making them see things in perspective as it often helps to see that small problems in a world like ours will not matter in the long run. If you do this, do not make them feel like their issues are not valid and let them talk about them. Remind them that what they are feeling is temporary and talk about what they are good at. You never know how much a compliment can brighten someone’s days!
  4. Try helping them get support: If you see that someone is not doing well, try seeing if you can help them find someone to help them deal with what they are struggling with.
  5. Make them laugh and do something fun: While it is difficult to have fun with others, try finding ways to connect virtually through Netflix Party for a movie night, or download game pigeon to play games over text! Send each other memes and interesting things! You will not only be entertained by this, but sometimes, everyone just needs a good laugh! It can also take their mind off of things that stress them out and give them a good break!
  6. Motivate them to do something active: Numerous studies have shown that doing something physically active can boost one’s mood, help in academics, and help reduce stress. I know not everyone enjoys doing things like exercise, but try to get them to go outside for a walk if they are not in quarantine, or try and to workouts together over FaceTime with music. You both will feel good in the end and feel ready to accomplish anything!

These are just some of the things I have found that help a person if they are not in their best state! I am not an expert in any of these things, but I find these things have worked and I am always looking for more things to try as I am a huge advocate for mental health. Remember to look after yourselves first, before helping others! I hope you all try some of these one day!

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