How to be amazing at whatever you do


I’m probably not the only one who’s sick and tired of teachers, speakers or whoever else giving the “believe in yourself” and “reach for the stars” speeches. It’s the same thing said time and time again and by the time we hit adolescence, it’s difficult to not want to press the figurative mute button. However, as cheesy, long-winded and overused these monologues can be, it’s hard to deny the applications of their main points. Here’s a small compilation of the completely familiar tips and tricks given since the beginning of time that may change your life. Well, maybe.

Apply yourself

You’re never going to get anywhere unless you make an effort to take the journey (excuse my corniness). The most successful people are the ones who work their butts off their whole life to be able to accomplish their goals. By getting everything served to you on a silver platter, you never get to learn what real work is and what it takes to make it in the real world. By applying yourself in your work, you’ll actually be better able to gauge whether something is worth your time or not and if it’s perhaps something worth pursuing in the future.

Go the extra mile

No one ever tells stories of how they attained success by just putting in the bare minimum. No, the people who have the best situations always put in that 110 per cent. The extra effort that it takes to do that extra bit of work might just tip the scales. There is no such thing as being overly prepared or overachieving. That extra step doesn’t say that you want to show off, but it speaks to the kind of person you are; a person who knows when a little bit more could mean all the difference.strength_motivational_quote

Stop complaining

If all you do is moan and complain about your work, you’ll never see the good in any of it. Try to see through whatever is so undesirable about it and find a silver lining. Even by knowing what minuscule benefit can come out of what you’re doing or are forced to do, it makes it all seem worthwhile. Life is full of steps, some big some small. If you do nothing but groan about not being able to getting past that one step without a catch, that’s a problem, because I can guarantee you that that will not be the hardest, most strenuous, taxing, or even monotonous thing you will ever have to do.

Practice makes perfect

What?! Another cliché? Oh well. As truly overused as this expression is, it speaks to something that we all need. Practice. Experience. If you just expect to be good at something right off the bat, then you’re in for some pretty major disappointment. By practicing something over and over, asking for help and not being afraid to make mistakes, you will get significantly better at what you’re doing in a much shorter time.

I know that was really cheesy, and I apologize for that. But this is the kind of thing that we should all keep in mind every day, whether it be in studies, work, sports or pursuing any passion. Just remember, in order to be successful, effort and attitude trump skill.