How to be a youth leader


“In a box of Cheerios, be a Froot Loop!” Making a change in your community, city and world makes a huge impact on not only yourself, but the people around you.

This week, I attended the Youth Alberta Community and Cooperative Association (ACCA) Co-operative Youth Leadership Program. It was a chance for people between the ages of 8-18 to participate in a program that offers public speaking, communication, leadership, teamwork and co-operation skills. If you are over the age of 18, you can volunteer to be a leader and inspire each camper to utilize these skills in their community.

It inspired me to show that one person can make a change. There were 61 people that all came together and worked in a team, creating co-operatives and sharing inspiring quotes and stories with one another. We learned about agriculture, self-esteem and goals & values. You also play lots of recreation activities and get the chance to lead them.

Everyone is split into six committees: government (executive members), banquet (planning an end of the week celebration), social (planning evening events), recreation (planning games), newspaper (making an end of the week newspaper), Canteen (running a sweet shop business) and digital editing (creating a picture video to take home). All these committees allow everyone to gain planning, writing, exercising, business and Photoshop skills. It was a wonderful opportunity to experience new things and step out of your comfort zone.

The second last day you will experience a challenge day where you will face several obstacles including rock climbing, rope climbing, balancing on beams and public speaking. Each person will face their fear and prove that you can do anything if you believe in yourself! You will also create S.M.A.R.T (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) goals and allow them to help you grow as a person!

“Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself.” Remember that this camp allows you to discover who you really are and what you want your world to look like! This is up to you to make a difference! Next year or this year, I strongly encourage you to ask Co-op or UFA to sponsor you in order to go to this camp and become an inspiring individual!

Here is the website to sign up for next year: