How Are YOU Spending Your Summer?


Looking for something to do this summer?  Interested in making new friends and scoring some volunteer hours while you’re at it?

Child and Youth Friendly Calgary has a few opportunities coming up if you answered “yes” to the questions above.

The Youth Volunteer Corps (YVC for short) is a program that provides youth-approved volunteering opportunities for youth. Volunteers sign up online for one-time projects that they can participate in with a bunch of other young people.  There’s huge variety in the types of projects – everything from helping out at festivals to volunteering with the Food Bank. 

Now’s YOUR chance to join the YVC Steering Committee, a.k.a. the group of youth who meet 2 times per month to choose YVC volunteer projects and help plan Empty Bowls 2011.  If you’re interested, please contact Erica at

If that doesn’t sound like you’re cup of tea, but you still want to get involved, maybe you’d be interested in helping young people improve Calgary one project at a time…

The Calgary Youth Foundation is run by youth who get together 1-2 times every month to look over grant applications for youth-driven projects and programs around the city, and then gets to choose the projects to distribute grant money to.  Plus, you’ll also get to work on expanding the Youth Vital Signs report.  Interested?  Email Ros at

Both opportunities will let you work towards a greater good, get volunteer hours, and make awesome new friends.  The meetings are tons of fun, and everyone here at Youth Are Awesome is sure you’ll have a great time.  So, what are you waiting for?  Get involved!