Horrible Conversation Killers


24059260 Have you ever met a person who only talks about them self…or a person who will barely share his/her input so you feel like you are doing all the talking?! CONVO KILLERS 🙁

Have you ever had a conversation that went like this:

Bob: Hey

John: Hey

Bob: What’s up?

John: Not much 

Ohhh those get me so mad!! They end the conversation in less than thirty seconds! Like come on John have the courtesy to ask Bob “what’s up” with him!
Alright alright I know the phrase “what’s up” is destined to kill a convo but it also saves you from awkwardness…I think…

Or have you ever had a conversation that went like this:

Bob: Hey, What’s up John?

John: Oh not much, although I just won eight Grammy awards, got my entrance to Harvard, bought myself a new dog, received my pay check, watched tv, which I was on, met Ian Somerhalder..you know the regular week..

Bob: um cool?

Well congrats John! But seriously I didn’t need that much information, not only are you bragging but your making me feel bad…now I want to end the conversation, oh and don’t try being modest after you have listed a million amazing achievements you have gotten just in the past week?! Oh gosh self-centered conversation killers!

And then there are the too cool to be talking to you people:

Bob: Heyyy John!!!

John: Oh…hi

Bob: What’s up?

John: Mhmm not much you?

Bob: Not much! 🙂

John: K

6367K-the biggest sword of all time. Either you think the person is mad at you or your just not important for them to be talking to you! Seriously it is a letter not sarcastic phrase! Get it straight people!!

And then there are the smarty pants who when you talk with make you either feel dumb or help you zone out in the first ten seconds:

Bob: Hey

John: Oh good afternoon!

Bob: What’s up?

John: Well since we are under a roof obviously the roof but farther then that the atmosphere, then the boundless sky. Why? 

Bob: Umm….that wasn’t what I was asking.

John: Well then I beg your pardon do you mind clarifying, I just made an inference thus I believed…

Bob: (Walks away and shakes his head!) 

We all know these people and have lived through hundreds of these convos, let me give a hint of advice. The phrase “what’s up” will kill your conversation! Have back up phrases like:

How are you doing today?

Something that doesn’t get answered in two words but no more than a sentence! For your information, Bob and John aren’t real people just incase you take offence in any way… 😛

Anyways bottom line is know who your talking to really well and don’t use that ugly phrase what’s up. It will either make you feel insecure of get you really annoyed! If you have nothing to say walk away!! It will save you from the agony of a murdered conversation!

Hope this helps you for your future conversations! 😀