Homemade Ice-cream (No ice-cream machine needed)


As summer isĀ approaching, more and more people start to crave for some ice-cream on a warm afternoon. Here is a simple recipe for your own homemade ice-cream to enjoy for the summer. This is my favorite ice-cream recipe because it does not require any “high-end” electronic cookware–no ice-cream machine, no electronic egg-beater, all you need is a pot, a stove, 4 egg yolks, 2 cups of milk, 200g sugar, and your favorite flavoring.

1. Mix egg yolks and sugar, beat at a high pace (totally possible with bare hands, but an electronic egg-beater may help), until the mixture turns milky white.

2. Heat up the milk in the pot until it is barely boiled.

3. Slowly, spoon hot milk into the mixture made in step 1. Mix together.

4. Pour the mixture made in step 3 back into the pot, cook until barely boiled.

5. Cool the mixture. Add flavoring.

6. Put the cooled mixture into your fridge. If you have butter or cream, add about 1cm^3 to improve the texture.


To avoid the painful waiting, I usually make the mixture before I go to sleep, then leave it in the fridge overnight. Do not afraid to be creative, as the mixture goes well with almost every flavoring you can think of (I have tried cocoa, green tea and vanilla and they all turned out beautiful). Enjoy your homemade, additive-free ice-cream for the summer!

