Home schooling vs regular schooling



I think we’ve all come across this topic before; would you rather learn at school, or at home? Many people say that it is more beneficial for children to be exposed to the world around us, and learn as a whole. Others argue that the public school environment is unsafe, and makes children more vulnerable. Today, I’ll be exploring these two learning methods, and I’ll give my personal preference as to which system I think is better.

So what do I think about regular schooling? First and foremost, the learning environment at school is far more important than the educational aspect. One thing to consider is that we are exposed to the world around us. Furthermore, we are able to interact and socialize with other children, who we can closely relate to, and whom we share many characteristics with. But at the same time, they are so different and unique. Many become lifelong friends, who support us and help us grow as individuals. Although there are several positive things that lay within the regular schooling system, there are many problems as well. Many parents are scared to send their children to school because they are picked on and targeted on a daily basis. Being around also children can also negatively influence your children. Your children are also exposed to explicit subject matter, and as soon as you know it, your little angel has turned into a devil. Since school also takes up a disproportionate amount of our lives, friends become our family, and we tend to grow further from our real families. None the less, there are several ups and downs to the regular schooling method.


What about home schooling? There are several ways we can benefit from this learning method. Although we are not able to socialize as much, we aren’t as exposed to any explicit matter. We also have more time to spend with our families. We are able to learn at our own pace, and make time for ourselves. We can use methods that suit our learning needs. Since there aren’t 25 other kids in the classroom, your parents can give you detailed feedback and help you improve in your areas of weakness. I also feel that teachers at school don’t really care about you, or how much you learn. Your parents, on the other hand, want you to be successful human beings, and would do anything it takes to reach that level. I also feel that there is less pressure learning at home, and you can make time for other things in life. In spite of the fact that I attend a charter school, I would rather be learning at home.

So whether its at home, or at school, keep in mind that its all about personal preference.