Holiday Movies


Chrisitmas is coming! During the holiday season, it is always good to watch some movies with your family. Here are some suggestions.

The Family Man

Film Description: Jack Campbell is an investment broker on Wall Street. With his solid professional and financial information and the keen sense of smell of opportunity, he became a recognized master in his business. However, his extravagant and fast-paced lifestyle all changed the night of Christmas.

The next day, he miraculously finds himself in a bedroom in suburban New Jersey, where he becomes a “family man.” He has a loving wife and two beautiful children, and his former life no longer exists. He gradually adapts to this warm and comfortable family life and he finds himself at a crossroads, as he must make a choice between his family and his business.

Personal opinion: This movie is an urban fairy tale to remind those who disregard Christmas and family values. Nicholas Cage, was the “diamond bachelor” who has all the money and luxury he needs, but on a Christmas morning he suddenly finds himself living a quiet and simple family life. He first refuses to change, and next was uncertainty until the end where Jack must decide. He was to have his original life or to have his wife and family, and of course, the choice is clear.

Christmas with the Kranks

This story describes an American couple, Luther (Tim Allen) and Nora (Jamie Lee Curtis) Krank on Christmas Eve making a “shocking” decision – this year, they are not going to celebrate Christmas – they intend to travel to Caribbean instead. They do this not only to enjoy a long vacation, but to save the annual “boring” holiday spending. However, the move immediately incurs criticism from friends and even neighbours. Even a small change led to such a huge social repercussions was totally out of Luther and Nora’s expectations. They had to face pressure from all sides. While the Kranks were struggling with their decision, their daughter Blair (Julie Gongze Luo) suddenly told her parents she will be home for Christmas. Despite the desire to escape the Christmas, Luther and Nora have to face it again.

Personal opinion: I believe many of us have watched this since it is such a classic Christmas movie. The novel “Escape Christmas” was once on Amazon bestseller list and its popularity is evident. Feeling tired of the Christmas but the inability to escape the tradition was described vividly through a comic tone. The Kranks moves of challenging the traditional were parallel to the author’s action of changing his writing style.